How To Conceive A Boy
Birth Control and Trying to Concieve???
Hello I have a few questions for those who have been there and maybe experienced this or
something similair. I have a 6 month old little girl. I just stoped my birth control on the 10th. Me
and my husband want to have another one and have them about 18 months apart. We want a
boy, ive been reading wives tails on positions on how to concieve a boy any tips on that.
Anyways back to the real question- The name of my birth control is necon and was wondering
how long before you can concieve after taking birth control i have only taken it for 5 months. and
want to start trying in june or july to concieve..please any advice would help.
How long should we wait before we try for another baby?
I am now 28 weeks pregnant. We are having a girl. My husband really wants a boy but was also
delighted to find out we are having a girl. We want to try to have a boy soon after having our
little girl. Any tips on how to concieve a boy would also be appriciated.
How to coneive a boy?
We have a daughter and would like to try for a boy, and would like it if anyone would know how
to concieve a boy and how to coneive atwins as well. I know all about the folic acid, and that
most women are pregnant with twins but loose one because of lack of folic acid, and to drink
more milk because of the hormones put into the cows, and that fraternal twins are heridacty(my
dad’s side has lots of twins, but i heard it runs on the mom’s side, can it be pass on from the
father’s side?), to take lots of folic acid, and power of thought. And that dz twins are fraternal
and mz twins are identical and no knows about how mz twins happened. DZ is two eggs
dropped and mz twins is one egg splitting into two.
what are some old wive tales on how to have a boy?
what are some old wise tales on how to have a boy? We have 3 girls and are going to try in Oct
for a boy. Have you heard of any WIVES tales about how to concieve a boy?? Anything from a
spoon under the bed to different positions??? Thanks Guys! (thanks for the spelling correction
as well)
Trying to concieve a boy…Advice Please?
Hello my husband and i would like to know any advice on how to concieve a boy. We have two
year old daughter and we are ready for another. Although we would be happy with any outcome
we would still like to try anything we can for a boy. Thank you