“I dont talk to Strangers”
Just got back from watching New Moon….i tell you what….in 2 days i have become an
obsessive Twilight fan, its soooo addictive. If you havent watched the first one….WATCH IT, then
watch the second. Its brilliant.
Anyway i was out with my friend Tasha; she’s great, we get along so well. Havent seen her for a
few weeks properly so was good to catch up. Anyway we came out of the film and were just
walking and laughing and we kept getting people coming up to us asking where to go for a night
out (Manchester united had played tonight, so loads of away fans wanted to know where to go).
Tasha after the last group of people came up to us said to me “I hate all these people coming up
to us…i dont like talking to strangers”. I turned around and then said to her…..”Everyone in your
life was once a stranger”…..she then fell silent
Its a common line you may here from women, your mother or really unsociable people…..I
DONT TALK TO STRANGERS. The funny thing is….what they are really saying is “I dont talk to
strangers…..or people my friends dont know”. You see…..when you meet someone through a
friend, they arent really a stranger, especially if it is through a close friend. Its just we feel more
comfortable around people who we have rapport with and who understand us. People are
friends for a reason, they may share an interest or an experience together. So whoever is
friends with your friend you would assume is a fine person to be friends with. This is also why
the mutual friends feature on facebook is so powerful. If someone adds you and has a mutual
friend with you…you are more likely to accept.
So dont think when someone says to you ” I dont talk to strangers” that they are being rude, just
think that they are the sort of person that likes to meet people through friends.